To the Heroes Glory!

Football. Peru. Championship 2024

Tournament table on 07-14-2024

 Aggregate    Tournaments apart 
stats iconHead-to-head

2024/2 - Clausura

1.Universitario Lima11006-06.0-0.0  6.03
2.Melgar Arequipa11003-03.0-0.0  3.03
3.ADT Tarma11003-13.0-1.0  2.03
4.Alianza Lima11003-23.0-2.0  1.03
5.Cienciano Cusco11002-12.0-1.0  1.03
6.Deportivo Garcilaso11001-01.0-0.0  1.03
7.FC Ayacucho11002-12.0-1.0  1.03
8.Sport Boys11002-12.0-1.0  1.03
9.Alianza Atletico10100-00.0-0.0  0.01
10.Grau Piura10100-00.0-0.0  0.01
11.Cesar Vallejo10012-32.0-3.0 -1.00
12.Comerciantes Unidos10011-21.0-2.0 -1.00
13.Sport Huancayo10011-21.0-2.0 -1.00
14.Union Comercio10011-21.0-2.0 -1.00
15.Universidad Cajamarca10010-10.0-1.0 -1.00
16.Sporting Cristal10011-31.0-3.0 -2.00
17.FC Cusco10010-30.0-3.0 -3.00
18.FC Carlos Mannucci10010-60.0-6.0 -6.00

2024/1 - Apertura

1.Universitario Lima17124132-71.9-0.4  1.540
2.Sporting Cristal17131344-202.6-1.2  1.440
3.Melgar Arequipa17122336-192.1-1.1  1.038
4.Alianza Lima17110632-161.9-0.9  0.933
5.FC Cusco1792622-211.3-1.2  0.129
6.ADT Tarma1784529-241.7-1.4  0.328
7.Cienciano Cusco1768320-201.2-1.2  0.026
8.Comerciantes Unidos1764722-311.3-1.8 -0.522
9.FC Ayacucho1763825-261.5-1.5 -0.121
10.Cesar Vallejo1748519-241.1-1.4 -0.320
11.Grau Piura1747619-171.1-1.0  0.119
12.Sport Boys1754818-201.1-1.2 -0.119
13.Sport Huancayo1754818-291.1-1.7 -0.619
14.Universidad Cajamarca1744921-291.2-1.7 -0.516
15.Deportivo Garcilaso1735920-261.2-1.5 -0.414
16.Alianza Atletico1735911-190.6-1.1 -0.514
17.FC Carlos Mannucci1735911-340.6-2.0 -1.414
18.Union Comercio17161017-341.0-2.0 -1.09

To view the results of a team, click on its name.

By selecting the necessary links, you can get statistical tables of teams matches at home and away, a unique summary table for two seasons, information about head-to-head matches of selected teams, goals distribution graphs and maths(some data is only in "landscape" screen mode)

••• Average for match in full time (FT).

Championship is the main (strongest) football (soccer) tournament/championship in Peru.

Melgar Arequipa: Match results

18.07-14 2024FC CuscoMelgar Arequipa0:3 (0:2,  0:1)
17.05-25 2024Deportivo GarcilasoMelgar Arequipa1:3 (0:0,  1:3)
16.05-18 2024Melgar ArequipaSport Huancayo4:1 (2:0,  2:1)
15.05-12 2024Universidad CajamarcaMelgar Arequipa2:6 (0:2,  2:4)
14.05-05 2024Melgar ArequipaSport Boys2:1 (1:0,  1:1)
13.04-28 2024Melgar ArequipaAlianza Lima1:0 (0:0,  1:0)
12.04-21 2024Grau PiuraMelgar Arequipa1:2 (0:1,  1:1)
11.04-13 2024Melgar ArequipaFC Carlos Mannucci2:0 (0:0,  2:0)
10.04-06 2024FC AyacuchoMelgar Arequipa2:2 (0:1,  2:1)
9.03-30 2024Melgar ArequipaCienciano Cusco2:0 (2:0,  0:0)
8.03-13 2024Sporting CristalMelgar Arequipa1:2 (0:2,  1:0)
7.03-09 2024Melgar ArequipaADT Tarma3:1 (1:0,  2:1)
6.03-02 2024Comerciantes UnidosMelgar Arequipa0:0 (0:0,  0:0)
5.02-24 2024Melgar ArequipaUnion Comercio2:1 (1:1,  1:0)
4.02-17 2024Universitario LimaMelgar Arequipa2:0 (0:0,  2:0)
3.02-10 2024Melgar ArequipaAlianza Atletico1:0 (0:0,  1:0)
2.02-02 2024Cesar VallejoMelgar Arequipa3:2 (2:1,  1:1)
1.01-26 2024Melgar ArequipaFC Cusco2:3 (1:2,  1:1)

MELGAR AREQUIPA: ATTACK AND DEFENSEattack: 1.9defense: 0.9 30:2023080620:2023100310:202403301:2024071412
WINS (%) ON THE TIMELINEWINS (MC: 19): 65.5%• Home matches° Away matches 30:2023080625:2023091020:2023100315:2024021810:202403301:202407140.250.50.7501

Melgar Arequipa: Match statistics

Melgar Arequipa 1091027-82.7-0.8  1.9
Home H550011-22.2-0.4  1.8
Away A541016-63.2-1.2  2.0

••• Average for match in full time (FT).

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